Relax, We’ve Got This
Hassle Free Insurance: Your Local Insurance Agency in Leduc
Find and Purchase Online with Ease!
At Leduc Insurance Agency Inc., we work with most major insurance companies in Canada and we can assist and advise you on your best options on a wide range of products and services. Servicing; Edmonton, Leduc, Wetaskiwin, Thorsby, Calmar… throughout all of Alberta.
Pay Your Insurance Online through Leduc Insurance!
Make a payment to your insurance company directly through our website.
Leduc Insurance has made it easy for you! Just click on your insurance company’s icon and you will be directed to a secure online payment page.
You can also make payments directly to Leduc Insurance Agency Inc. Just follow the 3 options below:
Payment Option 1:
Email: support@leducinsurance.com
*Please state your name and policy number*
Payment Option 2:
Stop by our office to pay by Interac, cash or cheque.
Our support team is here to help you find the right insurance to suit your needs. Send us an email at support@leducinsurance.com or call us at 780-986-8424 and speak with a person and not a call centre or recording.

If you have had a claim, please contact our office during regular business hours at 780-986-8424. After business hours, please contact your insurance company directly.